Biyernes, Agosto 17, 2012

All aboUt BlOgGing..

wHat iS A ?
"BLOG" is an abbreviated version of "weblog", which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary types commentary & links to articles on other Web sites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. 

Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology & etc.Blogging is not about making money, althoughthat could be a nice bonus, 
 it is about being social, having fun, building networks, sharing you thoughts.LIKE!

Befriend. get to know people. Make Friends. Build up Relationship.
Learn.don't think you know everything because you don't. Officious. Be an Official, an authority in your chose niche.
Give. Blogging and social network is all about giving rather than taking.
At its start. Blogging was mainly a platform for personal expression. A blog or a web log was meant to be an online dairy. Journal or Log for those who wanted to express themselves online. It it has now emerged as one of the most powerful means of sharing information on the internet.
Blogging has emerged a specialized industry in itself & is increasingly being used by individuals & enterprises alike for establishing 7 enhancing their online presence.

Lunes, Agosto 6, 2012

Week 8

Effect of new Media on Me

Will most of people accept the new media can influence people. But the degree of that influence, Who is most-impacted, when, how and why, Media effects refers to the many ways individuals and society may
be influenced by both news and entertainment mass media, including film, television, radio, newspapers,
books, magazines, websites, video games, and music.

While the media are often criticized for their harmful effects, media can also be a positive avenue for
learning and persuasion. Many studies from around the world have shown the positive effects  of new media.

 The effect of new media for me is, there are the times that i spend my whole day  in  computer, watching television, computer games and etc. that way including accessible online publishing software and evolving mobile device technology,  

Media may also have the negative impact of promoting cultural, racial or gender biases, either through
stereotyping roles and behaviors or the under or over-representation of minority characters. However,
some research has also shown that by familiarizing individuals with groups other than themselves, the
media may also provide positive learning opportunities.

Biyernes, Agosto 3, 2012

Week 7

Rain rain go away come again another day!!

Will typhoon “gener” came in the Philippines and a lot of Filipino died and a lot properties has been damage.  So the Department of Education decided to cancel the class in all level.  Will if hand a typhoon I think I spend my whole day in SM to watch move, eat some food and 


 Will if the typhoon hand a rainy,cold and windy I think I spend my whole day in our house to watching horror move and    

MAke a Funny Pictures off Your WeBcAm.