Do you remember your first day at college? Well, how could I forget mine? College life is a life of freedom. I had looked forward for this day from my school days. Life at college meant for me a life. I was no more a young boy but a young man. I had begun to think myself to be a gentle man with a sense of freedom.
It was the first day of the rest of my life. My grown up life my stomach was in groaning for foods, and I could it seem to do anything with my hair. I hand all my pens, papers and notebooks and other stuffed into my bag.
When I entered my college for the first day, I looked around with a mixed filing of nervous and excited and maybe pressured at the same time. Nervous, because I have to socialized with other people to find a new circle of friends. Excited for my fealties if what life I coved have 5 years from now. Hand pressured to porcine my dreams. And I’ll take the maximum advantage of my college life.

On my first day at CAS on 18th day of June. I was not being able to attend my first class because I need to be enrolled first. I was waiting so long because the admission office can’t fix my enrollment form due to some instances. Until me accidentally saw my cousin princess. I approached her and we discover that were in the same group.
On my second day being at school, 21st of June we elected the new members of CAS officer. 22nd of June it was the third day of school ask it was the FRESHMEN DAY or quietly “our day” entitled “DREAM HIGH”. Before the program started, god would be the first man to be approached so we attended the mass. Then the welcome party started. It was fun because I’ve met a lot of people so I grabbed the opportunity make friends.
I always reminisced those day at college it not totally perfect but a memories cant never be deleted.